Month: February 2022

Avoid these common mistakes while sending Web Push Notifications

Web Push Notification is one of the most effective ways to communicate with your audience and keep them engaged. Using the right strategy, Push Notifications can be the most powerful way to re-engage with your audience. Below are some of the common mistakes that can be avoided while sending Web Push Notifications. No Personalization to the Push Notifications... CONTINUE READING

How to take advantage of the Drip Notifications?

The Drip Notification feature enables you to send more than one web push notification to each new subscriber in different time intervals. This helps the new subscriber understand your website better. Advantages of Drip Notifications: Enables you to send a series of notifications You can schedule these notifications for different time intervals Helps subscriber on boarding to understand your website better A new subscrib... CONTINUE READING

How Publishers Can Leverage Web Push Notifications

Publishers are always looking for ways to get their audience back to their sites. With more and more competition in the digital publishing world, most publishers find it difficult to bring readers back to their sites time and again. Audience loyalty hasn’t been more of a concern than in today’s times. To manage and garner consistent user visits to sites, publishers, and blog writers are always looking for newer ways of staying relevant in the digital world. The growing popularity of... CONTINUE READING

Web Push Notifications to be supported on iOS in Early 2023

Finally, after a very long wait, Apple has officially confirmed that it will be supporting Web Push Notifications with iOS 15.4. It is expected to be live in early 2023. Apple has been supporting Web Push Notifications on all major browsers on macOS but iOS has this missing on iPhones and iPads f...